Keep it Simple! Go through all those cookbooks and weed out the ones that you don't use often. Do you really need five books on Italian cuisine? If a particular cookbook has a recipe you like, write it down instead of keeping the whole book. Recycle or donate those cookbooks you can do without.
Go Online! There are many websites that offer a variety of recipes. This helps resist the impulse to save every recipe you find on food labels and in magazines: limiting the potential for these to become clutter. Also, the internet puts unlimited variety at your fingertips. Here are a couple of my favorite recipe websites:,, and (this website lets you adjust the recipe yield easily by providing an online calculation of ingredient amounts).
Write your favorites down! What I like to do is to keep all my recipes in one card box. In this box I keep all my cherished family recipes as well as favorites that I have tried and want to make again. When I see a recipe in a magazine or on a label that I want to try, I put it in a folder. If it is a keeper, I then write it on a recipe card and place it in my box. That way, all the recipes I use regularly are in one place. Even if a recipe I like can be found in one of my cookbooks, I still write it on a card. That way, if the book gets misplaced, I still have the recipe! Here is a great website where you can print out your own recipe cards:
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