Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A Work of Art!...Tips for Dealing with Your Children's Artwork.

Organizing children's artwork is a challenge! Most parents will agree that it is difficult to figure out what to keep and what to toss (if the children will allow it!). With regular upkeep and a little creativity, you can prevent the artwork from turning into clutter. Here are some ideas to try.

  1. Purchase a portfolio. Check out an art supply store or one of the many websites online. Look for a product that is durable, portable and adequately sized (to accommodate those large drawings). Also check out engineering/architect supply companies. They offer a variety of storage options for large size documents. There are even websites that sell artwork cases and portfolios specifically designed for kids. Here are some links to products I found online: http://www.engineersupply.com/Portfolios-Cases.aspx, http://www.portfolios-and-art-cases.com/display-easel-handle.html, http://www.schoolfolio.com/, and http://www.chocolatecakeclub.com/myartkiartst.html. Another option (although pricey) is to purchase a cabinet with special map drawers. Try: http://www.homedecorators.com/search.php?search=map+chests&x=17&y=10.

  2. Take photos. If saving all your children's artwork is not possible, try taking photos of each piece. Save these on disk or try making them into an album. Some drawings and paintings can be scanned into the computer. The interesting thing about this option is that once the artwork is on the computer, it can be resized, reprinted and used to make such items as greeting cards, invitations, stickers and gift tags.
  3. Find an alternative use for the artwork. Awhile back I read about a great tip in Family Circle magazine that suggested using children's artwork as gift wrap. Clay figurines make nice paperweights and add a charming touch to an office. Also, consider having drawings laminated for use as placemats. A variety of laminating machines are available at http://www.xyron.com/.

  4. Brighten someone's day! Donate some artwork to a local nursing home, hospital, community agency, or mail it soldiers stationed overseas. Let the children select the artwork and have them accompany you to present/mail their donations. Not only will this help spread some much needed cheer, but it will make the kids feel good about helping others.

  5. Frame it! What a great way to add personality and color to a wall! There is even a frame available at Skymall.com that functions also as a storage unit for up to 50 pieces of artwork. Check it out at: http://www.skymall.com/shopping/detail.htm?pid=102696469&c.

Whatever options you decide to use, make sure to sort through your children's artwork regularly not only to keep it from creating clutter but to preserve it's quality as well.

Happy Organizing!

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