Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Survey...In need of feedback regarding what characteristics of websites attract attention.

Hi everyone!

I am currently taking a survey for a web design class I am enrolled in. I am looking for feedback in regards to what characteristics of websites attract your attention the most. Here are examples of questions to fuel your thought.

Is it the format? If so, what do you like about how it is organized?

How about the way content is written?

Do you feel that the use of graphics helps or hinders your ability to interact with the website?

Do you prefer websites with multiple pages or do you like content to be arranged on one page?

What features do you feel are most important for website authors to include on their pages?

Any feedback is highly appreciated! Thank you!

Unleash Your Organized Me!


  1. Quick response - I like it to have color, pictures, and organization. I almost never read everything on a website, but a good picture will convince me to read something that I otherwise wouldn't. If I site is too cluttered, I will almost always leave it, even if the content looks potentially interesting. On the other hand, a too plain site will not keep me there long. I prefer pages or tabs.

  2. Thank you for your feedback! I agree about what you said about not wanting to read websites that are too cluttered!
