Monday, May 18, 2009

Take Note!....A Time Saving Study Tip.

It's official! I am a college student again! Being an older adult learner, I was a little unsure of how I would adjust to my new schedule and develop good study habits. Always the organizer, I put myself on a mission to find ways in which I could use my time most efficiently. Here is one study tip I have found to be particularly useful.

As I read through my assigned material, I keep a blank stack of index cards handy. When I come across a term or an important point in the reading, I write it down. That way, when it comes time for me to review the chapter or study for an upcoming test, the cards are all ready! They are also quite portable. I can stick them in my purse and pull them out to look through when I am waiting in line at the bank or during other situations when I find myself with "down time". When the stack of cards gets thick, I store them in a shoebox (separate ones for each course) with dividers for the different books and chapters.

Unleash Your Organized Me!

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