Saturday, February 14, 2009

Where to start?

The most difficult part of organizing is figuring out where to start. Here are some tips.
  1. Think small. Start with small jobs such as organizing a drawer or a shelf. Paper flow management is an area a lot of people need to work on and can be a great place to start. Designate an area in your home for mail/paper flow. Create folders for bills, receipts, coupons as well as a folder for those items that require immediate action. Don't feel the need to file all the old paper items immediately. Focus on the incoming paper flow, then chip away at the old piles when you have spare time. Shred junk mail immediately instead of saving it to deal with later.
  2. Schedule time to organize. Build organizing time into the schedule and stick to it like an appointment. This will ensure that organizing becomes a habit. Never underestimate the power of 15 minutes! That is enough time to organize a small drawer.
  3. Hire a professional organizer. If finding a starting point is difficult, sometimes it helps to hire an objective second party. The National Association of Professional Organizers ( can help you find a professional organizer near you.
  4. Start with the "hot spots". These are places that are used frequently such as the kitchen and the living room. Clutter often interferes with the function of these rooms. For example, cluttered counter tops in the kitchen make it difficult to find space to prepare food. Again, start small. If you can only tackle one counter top for the day, it is better than nothing! Remember to be patient! It took time for clutter to accummulate, therefore, it will take time to get rid of it.

Happy Organizing!

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